22 Things We Accomplished in 2022


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

Take a trip down memory lane with Studio X.

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It’s no secret that we're fueled by the drive and excitement of our team at Studio X, our dedication to exploring the unknown, and our amazing community of innovators. Because of this, we were able to achieve the unthinkable in 2022 and couldn’t have done it without all of you.

As we look back on the year, we wanted to highlight the ways our business units have helped accelerate the pace of energy  innovation.

Inside Studio X

1.  The Studio X team surpassed hiring goals, and our team grew by 130%.

2. We embrace innovators from all over. Studio X has team members spanning three continents.

3. At Studio X, we believe in a healthy work-life balance. Not only are we a remote-first company, but employees also enjoy unlimited PTO. Our employees traveled to 4 continents, 13 countries, and over 50 cities in 2022.

4. Women make up 43% of our leadership team, which is comprised of our CEO, department heads, and the SixLab, Xeek, and XCover directors.

5. Our community grew by 32% in 2022, allowing us to connect with data scientists, geoscientists, and entrepreneurs from countries all over the world.

6. Studio X sponsored and participated in five events this year. Additionally, our thought leaders were invited to lead conversations at four other events.


7. We successfully completed our 2022 Climate Tech Accelerator Program and helped accelerate three startups in this year’s cohort.

8. SixLab hosted two showcase events that allowed startups in the 2022 cohort to pitch their ideas to investors.

9. We started a Perks and Benefits Partnership Program to help our startups continue to make strides in their businesses.

10. SixLab brought eight subject matter experts from various industries to lead sessions and serve as mentors to the startups in our Climate Tech Accelerator Program.

11. Five investors made contact with the startups in the 2022 cohort following the showcase events.

12. A member of our 2021 cohort completed a proof-of-concept and presented the results to Shell.


13. Over 25 projects were successfully completed.

14. XiRs (explorers in residence) were crowd sourced from 8 countries to support these projects.

15. Our quest for open exploration allowed us to conduct XCover projects covering 13 countries.

16.  Hundreds of thousands of square kms of seismic data were studied and thousands of wells were interpreted and integrated.

17. XCover XiRs worked on a wide range of projects, from prospect maturation to frontier basin exploration, which allowed us to crowdsource experienced petrophysicists, geophysicists, geoscience integrators, geodata scientists, and oceanographers—all while creating and testing new workflows and ideas.


18. We have successfully released seven data science challenges since Xeek’s relaunch in July.

19. Over $120,000 in prize money has been awarded to our challenge winners.

20. Our data science challenges have seen participation from over 700 teams worldwide!

21. We launched our first ever bounty-style challenge.

22. The Xeek community has composed at least 60 unique ML models and submitted them for different challenges.