About SixLab


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

Could your startup change the future of energy? Discover our global incubator for energy and exploration startups.

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What is SixLab?

SixLab is a global incubator for energy and exploration entrepreneurs. We help startups gain traction in the industry through world-class mentorship, resources, and access to facilities that help shape and refine their ideas. Once accepted into the SixLab innovation hub -- entrepreneurs, geoscientists, and ecosystem stakeholders can exchange ideas with advisors-in-residence and receive tangible support in order to reimagine the future of energy.

What kind of startups participate inSixLab?

SixLab currently has ten startups, more than 90 community members, and access to 50 mentors with expertise in all areas of the geoscience, data science, and energy industry. Our startups range from AI companies to seismic processing software engineers to oil and gas trailblazers. SixLab is actively accepting applications from people or companies who are eager to disrupt the way we work in energy today and chart the course for what the industry will look like tomorrow.

What is the Pilot Program?

The Pilot Program is specifically designed to aid startups that are addressing key pain points in the oil and gas industry. These startups receive dedicated support to help accelerate their path to a commercial pilot. Studio X believes that together, we can alter the future of oil and gas. Our goal is to uplift companies through SixLab with ideas that can transform the energy industry.

What resources are included?

SixLab startups have access to:

  • An online community of like-minded energy innovators
  • A mentor and VC network
  • Cloud computing credit and vendor discounts
  • Guides and templates to take ideas to the next level
  • State-of-the-art coworking studio

Pilot Program participants also receive:

  • Dedicated advisors
  • Access to mentoring events (COVID restrictions permitting)
  • Proposal support to showcase to potential customers
  • A dedicated workspace in our Austin, Texas studio (COVID restrictions permitting)

How do I get involved?

Does your startup have the potential to change the energy industry? Go to 6lab.io and click “Apply” to answer a few questions about your professional background, your work, and your interest in SixLab.