About Studio X


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

We’re reimagining the future of work in exploration. Learn how to get involved.

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What is Studio X?

Studio X is driven by one main goal — to reimagine the future of work in exploration. We’re an ecosystem of scientists, engineers, creatives, and entrepreneurs who are combining our skills to modernize the world of geoscience and develop innovative solutions.

Why is Studio X an important addition to the industry?

Despite extensive growth in technology and worldwide integration, many processes within the entire value chain can be reimagined, starting from exploration all the way to alternative energies and energy transition technologies.

Studio X is creating a space where data scientists and geoscientists can work together to  establish a system of shared information. We call this open innovation — an approach that drives innovation by promoting collaboration. Through cutting edge tools, exclusive resources, and remote work environments, energy experts discover, develop, and launch breakthrough ideas. Studio X is its own ecosystem where data, technology, and people connect to change the energy industry and develop real, tangible solutions.

How does Studio X work?

Studio X is starting with three products: Xeek, XCover, and SixLab.

Xeek is Studio X’s machine learning crowdsourcing community: a place where creative minds in science and business can gather and collaborate. Xeek hosts challenges in which participants use the platform’s numerous datasets or data provided by partners to create more efficient solutions for energy exploration. “Xeekers,” or Xeek participants, collaborate to develop solutions to these challenges. Once challenge solutions are selected as winners, they enter the pipeline to be developed into scalable and secure enterprise-ready tools on the Xeek Tools platform. These tools are a collection of AI-based software and visualization tools that address workflow inefficiencies in geoscience and establish entirely new ways of analyzing data. Tools are currently in early beta testing with customers and will soon be released to a broader set of customers. Learn more about Xeek here.

XCover is Studio X’s highly specialized geoscience community. The platform brings together state-of-the art technology and experienced global talent, called Explorers-in-Residence or XiRs, and provides a collaborative forum to host and work on challenging exploration and energy projects. XCover projects function similarly to a contract position and the virtual machine platform enables scientists and engineers to have specialized access to geoscience data and interpretation software packages with clean data and the highest level of security. Learn more about XCover here

SixLab is a no-strings-attached incubator that provides access to world-class mentorship, resources, and facilities to help startups gain traction in the industry through its pilot program. SixLab acts as an innovation hub for startups, offering the support they need to grow and transform the future of the industry. Learn more about SixLab here.

How do I get involved?

Studio X is currently looking for partners to join us as we carve new pathways in the energy industry. Find out how you can get involved with our software tools, on-demand work, prize-winning challenges, mentorship opportunities, and more by answering a few questions about your company and product interests here.