About Xeek


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

By bringing people together, we can develop innovative tools and solutions that will transform the energy industry. Learn how Xeek is furthering geoscience through community, competition, and cutting-edge technology.

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What is Xeek?

Xeek is a crowdsourcing platform dedicated to uniting data scientists, software engineers and geoscientists to tackle complex problems in the industry. Participants, known as “Xeekers,” join challenges in which they work to unlock revolutionary geoscience tools and ideas. Xeek, at its core, is a community. By coming together, people can leverage their unique talents to develop solutions that will change the future of exploration and geoscience.

What are Xeek challenges?

Xeek challenges bring people together to share diverse ideas and develop innovative solutions. For each challenge, a problem and supporting data are presented. These problems are structured from workflow inefficiencies. Then, individuals or teams are provided with datasets, starter notebooks and tools to help them complete the challenge. Solutions are generated through the challenges, and winning ideas are compensated with prize money.

Over the last 18 months, Xeek has launched ten challenges to an open community of more than 2,000 Xeekers, paying out over $90,000 in prizes. The developed tools from these challenges show potential for 20% efficiency gains in exploration workflows, saving millions of dollars and providing the geoscience community with new ways to work.  

Who should join a Xeek challenge, and why?

Xeekers come from all over the world and include everyone from professional data scientists, software engineers and geoscientists to early beginners who want to learn more about the industry and even PhDs who have been developing algorithms for 20+ years.

For beginners, Xeek is a hands-on way to learn more about data science and geoscience through fun and interesting challenges. For advanced geoscientists, Xeek can act as an additional source of income and a way to share your tools and expertise with the broader community. Simply put, anyone who is interested in data science, exploration and/or geoscience is welcome to join!

What are Xeek Tools?

Xeek Tools are AI-based software tools and visualization tools that address workflow inefficiencies in data science and establish entirely new ways of analyzing data. They work with a pay-per-use model, allowing users to avoid expensive upfront contracts and have the flexibility to access the tools when they need them.

Xeek Tools include the “Go With the Flow” tool, an agent-based model that shows fluid movement through the subsurface in a visual format, and the Fault tool, which creates 3D visualizations of faults on a number of different parameters. Xeek is continuing to release tools throughout the year, and geoscientists can also suggest tools they would like to see developed.

Xeek community members can receive early access to test Xeek tools. Many tools are planned to be released open-source or for free use to enable broad use by the community.

How do I get involved?

Visit xeek.ai to join a challenge or sign up to use Xeek Tools. With the support and participation of the geoscience community, we can break away from the monolithic tools of the past and create new data-driven tools that will completely change the energy industry. Join us!