Data Science Challenge: Future in Charges


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

By utilizing and improving the use of electrical double layers, we’ll be one step closer to net zero.

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This October, Xeek is focusing on the future of electrification. The Future in Charges challenge asks participants to solve 1D, 2D, and 3D calculations describing electric double layers using any technique.

Electrical Double Layers

Electrical double layers are everywhere. In fact, if you are reading this on a screen, you are using them right now. Your eyes reading these words utilize a double layer to translate the signals to your brain for comprehension.

The goal of the Future in Charges challenge is to utilize electrical double layers to aid energy transition on two fronts: building more efficient batteries and electrolysis methods. Better batteries are key for energy transition as they allow us to store the energy generated by renewables like wind and solar. Electrolysis methods will play a huge role in the future as the primary source of green hydrogen, which can be used for things like transportation, heating, and chemical generation.  

Moving Towards Net Zero

Future in Charges aligns with Shell’s larger goals around net zero. Improving the way we use batteries will influence how we can expand wind and solar, thus changing the commercial and residential fleet of transportation. Improving electrolysis enables us to widen the use of hydrogen, whether for combustion, manufacturing, or chemical generation. There is so much to do in this space, and we need the best tools to get after it — this challenge will take us one step further on the path to net zero.

A Solution for Everyone

The resulting code from the challenge will be open-source for anyone interested in this advanced topic. This won’t be the first time Xeek has released a winning code to all, but this will certainly be the most advanced. The use cases for a solution in this space extend beyond the electrification goals of just Shell, and we want everyone to have access to the technology. Furthermore, releasing the winning code allows the solution to grow and become better. Once the results are out in the wider world, we expect further work to be done on it, improving it beyond what we could do with just one challenge.

Get Involved

This challenge has a total prize pool of $50,000 and is completed in three stages. To join the challenge, head to and start solving now.