How to Work Remotely as an Independent Geologist


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

Remote work isn’t just a passing fad. Learn why working remotely offers huge benefits for geology and how Studio X is making remote work more accessible.

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Working remotely is more popular than ever, and not just because 2020 required so many of us to work from home. Remote work allows people to maintain flexible schedules and live anywhere in the world, and it gives organizations the opportunity to take advantage of talent outside of their geographic region. 

Remote Work in Geology

While some aspects of geologic work involve field analysis, most of the work that geologists do in the energy industry is completed via a computer or other technology. Almost all technical work can be conducted remotely with the right equipment. But what about data collection at geological sites?

There’s an old adage in geology: “Whoever sees the most rocks, wins.” While at first this may sound like remote work would be limiting, it’s quite the opposite. One geologist in one location can only grasp a portion of one part of the Earth. Geologists with experience in different parts of the world (and the unique problems and insights these places offer) are scattered across the globe. By encouraging remote work, we can connect experts and innovators with the right projects in order to maximize their talents and better understand our diverse world.

Challenges of Working Remotely

While remote work has the ability to promote collaboration in geology, it begs the question – how do we do that, exactly? Actually finding ways to connect can be a challenge. Interacting with other geologists is vital to understanding the complexities of the Earth. We must discuss problems and challenge each other so we can find the answers we seek, or even the next question to ask. Unfortunately, finding ways to collaborate is more difficult to do remotely.

Other challenges in remote work include managing data, purchasing and maintaining licenses, and having access to the right devices. At Studio X, we provide tools to help solve these problems and ensure collaboration in geoscience is not lost.

Studio X Remote Tools

Through Studio X, geologists can work on teams to integrate ideas and utilize experts – wherever they are – to ensure the best end product. One way this is done is through XCover, a global talent network where geoscientists across the globe join and collaborate on exploration projects. 

XCover offers state-of-the-art virtual workstations for remote geologists, which come pre-loaded with all the data and licenses needed to successfully complete a project, as well as 24/7 technical support. These workstations allow geologists to execute their work without requiring they own a powerful computing system. XCover also enables conversation and scientific discussion through forums, modern communication tools like Slack, and a learning platform, XCover Learn, where geologists can grow their knowledge and skills.

Work Remotely with Studio X

Over the next several months, XCover is hosting challenging mapping projects that combine tools with traditional exploration techniques. These types of projects help accelerate the exploration process and allow geologists to spend time on interesting mapping and interpretation, rather than pattern recognition and data mining. They provide competitive compensation, and perhaps most importantly, they can be completed from anywhere in the world. In fact, one of our XCover participants recently retired to a Caribbean island! 

Remote work removes geographic restraints on geologists and encourages crucial collaboration in the geoscience and energy industries. To discover how you can join a remote XCover project, head to