Join the Challenge to “Keep Geoscience Weird”


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

We want to hear your ideas on how to revolutionize the way we visualize geoscience data. Learn more and join the challenge before the June 4, 2021 deadline.

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Innovation is the key to allowing geoscience to grow and evolve. At Studio X, we don’t think it's always best to go with the status quo. That’s why we host challenges on Xeek that are specifically designed to help geoscientists discover new ways of doing things.

The Challenge

The “Keep Geoscience Weird” challenge is all about revolutionizing the way we visualize geoscience data. The classic platform approach for sourcing, organizing, and reading data is a long and platform-dependent process. Not only does this prolong timelines, it also limits how we can visualize data, which can lead to biases.

That’s why we’re asking you to find a better way. This is your opportunity to disrupt the traditional software model and show us how you would like to see data. Let your imagination run wild – for this challenge, the sky’s the limit.

Submissions accepted now through June 4, 2021.

The Details

Here are a few quick details about the Keep Geoscience Weird challenge.

You can create a visualization for any one or combination of the following data types:

  • Well logs (.las)
  • Geologic maps of various types (e.g. structure maps, paleo geologic surfaces, etc. )
  • Seismic 2D or 3D (.sgy)
  • Documents (geologic reports, well completion reports, etc.)

All languages are permitted, not just Python.

To compete you must deliver your code as well as a short 2-4 minute video explaining your visualization and what makes it extraordinary.

Winners of the challenge receive the following prizes:

  • First Prize: $8,000
  • Second Prize: $4,000
  • Third Prize: $2,000
  • Two Honorable Mentions: $500 each

Learn more about the evaluation criteria, see examples, read the official rules, and join here. We can’t wait to see what incredible solutions you discover!