Meet Tracy Jones Martin, XCover’s New Director


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

Read our Q&A to learn about Tracy’s experience and her plans for XCover.

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The Studio X team has big dreams for the future, and we are so happy to welcome Tracy Jones Martin to lead the way as XCover’s new Director. Tracy has a degree in Geological Engineering from the Missouri School of Science and Technology and a background in reservoir engineering. She also has experience in development planning and project management in upstream oil and gas and midstream energy transition projects. There’s no better person to lead us into the next phase of XCover! Read our Q&A to get to know Tracy.

Why were you interested in joining the Studio X team?

It’s an opportunity to be part of a real change. At Studio X we get to be at the forefront of testing ideas, tools, methods, workflow — everything about work in energy and the energy transition. I’m excited to help bring traditional energy business into the modern era using the most advanced digital technologies available.

What excites you about XCover?  

Seeing how we can, and have, accelerated opportunities through creative work and challenging paradigms, and knowing we have so much more potential for impact.

What do you hope to bring to XCover in your role as Director?

I’d like to bring different aspects of subsurface experience (from the dynamic side). I’d also like to approach XCover with my business perspective and to build out our community accordingly.  

In the next few years I’d love to see XCover and Studio X focus on an integration of disciplines, develop more collaborative teams, and expand beyond focusing solely on exploration businesses into other areas.

Can you tell us a little about yourself outside of work?

I claim to be a jack of all trades, master of some. I am a cycling aficionado and spend a ridiculous amount of time riding, racing, watching and talking bikes of all types with my spouse and two-wheel lovin' buddies. I also pretend to be a foodie so I can try new restaurants and foods. When I’m home, I enjoy being around my fur babies (cats).

We can’t wait to see what happens next — stay tuned!