Take Your Energy Startup From an Idea to a Success Story


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

You have an idea that will change the future of energy. We have the resources you need to make it happen. Learn about the SixLab Pilot Program.

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We are searching for a startup that will change the future of energy.

SixLab is a global incubator for startups that provides access to exclusive resources, mentorship, facilities, and tools. While we collaborate with many kinds of startups, if your work is specific to the oil and gas industry then you are eligible to take your startup to the next level by joining SixLab’s Pilot Program.

The Pilot Program

We believe that work in the energy industry is ever-evolving, and that by fostering innovative startups we can alter the course of work in energy, oil, and gas for years to come. The Pilot Program was created to help startups accelerate their paths to a commercial pilot, offering resources that address key pain points that many startups experience.


In addition to the resources that all SixLab startups receive, Pilot Program participants are provided with extra assistance and support. Below is a detailed look at what your company will receive as part of the SixLab Pilot Program.

Resources: All SixLab Startups

All SixLab startups have access to:

  • An online community of like-minded energy innovators
  • A mentor and VC network
  • Cloud computing credit and vendor discounts
  • Guides and templates to take ideas to the next level
  • State-of-the-art coworking studio

Resources: Pilot Program Only

The following resources are only available to members of the Pilot Program:

Dedicated Advisors

When you take part in the Pilot Program, you are matched with advisors based on your organization, your goals, and your needs. These advisors provide valuable feedback on your work, as well as expert advice based on firsthand experience in the energy industry.

Mentoring and Social Events

It’s impossible to grow in a vacuum. The Pilot Program includes invitations to exclusive events where you learn new skills, gain entrepreneurial insights, and widen your network (COVID guidelines and travel restrictions permitting).

Pilot Proposal Support

Every quarter, you will have the opportunity to showcase your pilot idea to the SixLab team. SixLab provides guidance and advice, and even assists you with the proposal and procurement process.

Dedicated Workspace

Pilot Program participants can live anywhere in the world as long as they can legally work and can access the internet, but an assigned workspace in our state-of-the-art Austin, Texas studio is available for those who would like a physical office space (COVID guidelines and travel restrictions permitting).

How to Apply

You’ve got a world-changing idea. We’ve got the resources to help you make it happen.

To apply to be part of the SixLab Pilot Program, visit 6lab.io and click “Apply.” Fill out a questionnaire about your professional background, your work, and your interest in SixLab, and we’ll get back to you about becoming a member of our community and bringing your ideas to life.