The SixLab Accelerator Showcase


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

Your chance to pitch your startup to major players and investors in the energy industry, including Shell.

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At SixLab, our goal is to accelerate startups’ paths to becoming a commercially viable product or service. SixLab is a six month program that includes workshops, mentorship, and culminates in a potentially life-changing occasion — the SixLab Accelerator Showcase.

What is the SixLab Accelerator Showcase?

The Showcase is actually two events that are held in early- to mid-November (aka the closing weeks of the SixLab six month accelerator program). For both events, each startup in the program will provide a detailed 15-20 minute pitch, followed by a 30 minute window for Q&A. The difference between the two events is the audience. The first showcase event is a Shell first-look exclusive. It allows Shell’s business units like Shell Ventures, Shell GameChanger, X-Digi, and others to learn about each startup that has gone through the program. The second showcase has other energy industry players, VC groups, and angel investors invited.

The Chance to Network

As any entrepreneur knows, networking is a crucial element to business success. With the SixLab Accelerator Showcase, the startups have an intimate and exclusive showcase for Shell teams. Not only does this help them build connections, it also allows for direct discussion and feedback from a major player in the energy industry.  

The second showcase will provide even more exposure to other energy industry firms and investment groups, with about 10 or more in attendance. This provides a launching pad for further fundraising and commercialization that can be difficult for a startup to access on its own.

What Startups Should Expect

Startups should have a complete and concise presentation that clearly articulates its offering, what sets it apart from others, and the potential market opportunity. But that won’t be overwhelming to provide — part of the SixLab program content will specifically work with the startups on storytelling and giving pitches.

Can I be a Customer or Investor?

If you are interested in attending the showcase event as a potential customer or investor,  please contact SixLab. Be ready to hear great pitches and to engage our SixLab Accelerator startups with questions and discussion around future opportunities.