What we Learned at EAGE Digitalization 2023


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

Here's what we learned at the 2023 EAGE Digitalization Conference.

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The 2023 EAGE Digitalization Conference was a success. With double the number of attendees from the previous year, this year’s conference was held in London, UK, and covered a multitude of topics related to digitalization—from leadership and overcoming organizational barriers to how upskilling and reskilling can support the energy transition and accelerate the pace of innovation to reach NetZero goals faster.

Leadership & the Business Case for Innovation

Day one focused on the role that strong and forward-thinking leaders play in supporting an organization’s progress towards innovation.

One of the topics that kicked off the day focused on finding ways to improve efficiency and decision-making, while facing unprecedented disruptions to traditional business models. It left us all with the ever-important question: "How can we move together through collaboration and still keep our businesses competitive?"

Later in the day, conversations on possible cultural and organizational barriers filled the room. One roundtable discussion in particular tackled the issues that must be addressed in order for the energy industry to successfully embrace digital technologies, unlock trapped value, and drive critical innovation.

Day one concluded with an interactive session, Accelerating the Pace of Energy Innovation, hosted by Studio X’s CEO, Jeff Allyn. This 40-minute session highlighted the ways energy startups play a crucial role in the ongoing push for energy transformation. Are the new generation of energy entrepreneurs the answer to our energy problems?

Do you have the next great idea to help us get to NetZero? Apply to the SixLab Accelerator Program before applications close on April 17th.

Innovative and Digitally Enabled Workflows

On Day 2, the conference morning started with a keynote presentation about the digital workflows of the future. This led into the additional sessions on how digital tools can accelerate geoscience learning and the various ways taking an integrated geoscience approach to digital transformation can yield more effective and efficient decision-making throughout the energy transition.

As the day continued, many attendees gathered for a roundtable discussion that asked the question, "Are we pushing the envelope on digital innovation?" The panelists discussed the ways we can leverage technologies to drive step changes in current operations and workflows, thus allowing us to move further, faster, and with fewer resources.

During the last session of the day, attendees heard from numerous thought leaders in the energy industry on bringing the OSDU into operation. These panelists detailed their recent experiences and shared their solutions to operationalize the OSDU environment.

Enabling the Energy Transition Through Digital Innovation

We finished the last day of the EAGE Digitalization Conference with a keynote presentation by Jeff Allyn on demystifying digitalization. Jeff, having spent his entire career in the tech industry, spoke to how technology and digital transformation are fundamental enablers of the energy transition and how Studio X finds solutions to complex problems in dramatically reduced timelines.

Following the keynote, Jeff participated in a roundtable discussion - Digital Opportunities in Energy Transition, where 5 industry veterans discussed the need to embrace digital opportunities, diversity of thought and crowdsource collaboration to move the industry onward through the energy transition.  

Later in the afternoon, attendees heard a case study on upskilling and reskilling the existing workforce for a digital and NetZero future. Followed by an interactive session titled, Digital Innovation and the Path for a NetZero Future, conference attendees then shared their learnings from the week and discussed what they thought would be the answer to getting closer to the NetZero future we all dream of.

Of the many takeaways from the EAGE Digitalization Conference, the main realization was that it will take all of us working together to accelerate the pace of energy innovation. With collaboration and digitalization, we can move the world toward a NetZero future—together.