Xeek Tools: The Well Mnemonic Mapper


Studio X Team


October 25, 2023

Xeek’s Well Mnemonic Mapper — the innovative tool that lets you use your well data more efficiently than ever.

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At first pass, an individual well data file is ready and easy to use. However, once a user starts working with many wells, they find the data to be as varied as a cactus species in the Phoenix Botanical Gardens. At Xeek, we set out to provide a tool that will allow geoscientists to organize data efficiently and effectively to help them work faster.

What are Xeek Tools?

Xeek Tools exist to help geoscientists work faster and smarter than ever before. These AI-based software and visualization tools address workflow inefficiencies in geoscience workflows and establish new ways of analyzing data. The tools operate on a pay-per-use model for flexibility, and each tool offers different tactics for how we can advance the understanding of Earth. The Go With the Flow Tool, for example, was designed to help scientists take a different approach to understanding how fluids move in complex geology. Other tools, like  the Well Mnemonic Mapper, are all about helping scientists organize and use their data faster.

What is the Well Mnemonic Mapper?

As we mentioned above, well data can be incredibly varied. Elements like when the data was generated, the vendor who collected the data, and geography can all make one piece of data different from the next. This is manifested in the names used for the different data tracks in a well file. For instance, “GR”and “Gamma” are two different names for the same data track.

We wanted to take this well-known frustration and create a solution for geoscientists. The Well Mnemonic Mapper allows users to clean up their data as quickly as possible — so they can actually start using that data. First, users upload standard well data files to the Well Mnemonic Mapper on Xeek Tools. The app then quickly processes the data and presents information on how the different data tracks should be renamed and converted to a standard nomenclature. The user can then select whether to accept or reject these recommendations, at which point the data is exported and can be loaded into the user’s subsurface interpretation tool of choice.  Xeek Tools even throws in Metric unit conversion in for free.

Using the Well Mnemonic Mapper

To use the Well Mnemonic Mapper, create an account at https://xeek.ai/ then go to the Tools page and launch the tool.  Xeek has provided some test data so you can see the app in action first.

The Mapper is most helpful for teams with lots of disparate well data, or teams working in areas where there hasn’t been any activity in quite some time. For example, as the industry looks for subsurface targets of carbon sequestration, geoscientists are working in regions where the data is of an older vintage or not well maintained. The Well Mnemonic Mapper helps these teams get these older data sets in order faster so they can begin the difficult work of understanding the subsurface.